The morning of this day starts in a pretty Californian Valley. A small stream winds its way through wild and lush meadows, left and right, climb the slopes, covered by dense coniferous forests, to the lofty heights. The whole forms a unique contrast to the rest of my previous tour in Turkey, which was rather dominated by dusty and dry countryside. This Valley reminds me more of my Central European homeland.

I start the day predicted even ten kilometres further than planned. I was looking for yesterday is already a campsite, since two passers-by from the street on me were attentive. It was still quite nice, that they came over and we chatted a bit, it was somewhat uncomfortable when they realized that my bike is of good quality and began relentlessly to ask for the price. That one of the two with an AX waved around, made not just trust raising the two. So I drove yesterday then but still ten kilometres further from caution.

Today is a mental breaking point. After the Valley is only ten kilometres, then, again, steeper, eight kilometres uphill. Sometime in the morning, still a searing midday heat is added. My pace is creeping slowly, every pore works on high pressure and the head rebels, but luckily on the legs still leave. I have them to thank that I arrive to a perceived eternity then finally at 1300 meters. My head is completely dizzelig by the heat. That's why I'm once break in Gerde, the nearest town.

In the evening, I find myself somewhere in rural areas on the highway. The landscape is wide and open, trees are scarce. A challenge will be to find a protected place of the tent. I come over at a gas station and ask if they have Internet. Unfortunately absent. One of the employees but huge appreciates my presence. I really wanted to and of to find a campground, but he wants to me just let go. At some point I may him convey by means of sign language, that it's getting late and I need to find a tent place. Tents, but here, the answer is sure. He shows me a place next to the restaurant. I briefly think about and come to the conclusion that this is the most sensible option. Also, I have discovered a small dog who lives right there. And he is being fed by the chef again. So I rebuild my tent, me make friends with the dog and eat in the restaurant for dinner. There is rice with chickpeas. Then I'm going to sleep. The little dog watches carefully over me.



The next day is no more interesting incidents. I'm going easy on the highway through dry, hilly landscape. In the evening, I go to Kurşunlu. Happy, I discover a fountain. Very fitting, since my water strongly tend to go. The fountain does not work however. Desperate at the fountain hantierend, I'm discovered by six men, allowing the evening just when little Cay. Help me out and I can refill my water in the bakery next door. When I come out, am I being offered of course as first Cay. Actually I will not accept it, not being able to sleep from fear. It is however difficult to convey and so I join me with a Cup to them. We come into the conversation and asked me many questions.


Generally, the most frequently asked questions are always:

"How do I?"

"Where am I going?"

"Am I how old?"

"What about my parents?"

"I am traveling alone?"

"I have no fear?"

"What is my job?"

"Was my bike how expensive?"


It will be later and later and I sometime wonder if there is a cheap hotel here. The men respond I should sleep easy here and show on the couch where I sit. As they get with, however, I have a tent, one of the men is a better idea. He is an employee, the neighboring gas station and behind the station there is a small lawn with four Apple trees. I have even WiFi reception there. Perfect, here I'm staying! But that was not enough. The men in front of the bakery offer me at some point even dinner. And as it turns out, that I don't eat meat, an extra vegetable cuts on me and I get some bread. Madness!

In the evening, I then rebuild my tent next to the gas station. It is almost 9:00 and I'm just about to fall asleep, because it knocks on my tent. The who is now, at this late hour? Maybe the boss and I need to sleep but where else? I open my tent and a shadow pushes a PIDE and a Fanta in the hand me. Then he's gone again. Damn it! Sometimes, I can not believe this hospitality. I let me taste it, despite that I'm fed up I eat completely.


The next morning, it turns out that I the gas stations due employees from last night to have the nightly meal. Goodbye that it pushes me even two stuffed bags of candy in his hand. Two full bags!

I just look at my Baker friend and again inviting me to Cay and a bread and give me a loaf of bread to the farewell. So I start with a fully loaded bike in the day.

Today offers me motorway of a rural line in addition to one other piece. On the rural route, I feel like a little green alien. Everyone stares at me and I sometimes fear, could your eyes fall out the inhabitants. You are strangers here hardly used.

Turkey is scenic but again from their idyllic site. I'm a cool River along which is lined by the sunshine gold yellow shiny, fields of grain. Every now and then I come through old, sleepy village with the inhabitants. Most people are just going to dry cereals and so wide planning with grain are available, where the women diligently and tirelessly throw the cereal grains into the air.


In one of these villages, the ice breaks. A resident, who knows some English, speaks to me and I answer to many questions. Curious villagers come more and more and eventually the small square in front of the restaurant with over 20 men is filled. Including some very old, are treated with great respect by the boys and differently will be greeted by them. They shake the hand of the elder first and then touch it with their forehead. Or something like that. I can not remember anyway and hope that this will be perceived as rude. After a while I say goodbye, because I need to find a place for the night.

I find one that is well protected relatively soon. Just lie around everywhere lots of bones of dead animals. Were they perhaps torn by bears or wolves? After all, there are these animals in Turkey. I just hope that my bones tomorrow not to have joined.



Photo itinerary:


Date: 17. September 2015-19. September 2015

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