After a day in the Ashram, I want to continue the next morning. As I just off check, I come with the older men and one other man in the conversation. Both tell me totally excited by Sai Baba's Hauptashram and that I it would visit. It is 120 km away, but lead a highway there, I could do it today.

Because they have made me curious, I let me highlight the whole thing on my card and start 11:00 direction Puttaparthie. Relaxed it goes northward and there isn't much and slower traffic is on the highway, I can hear some audio books.


I'm feeling good and strong, and against four o'clock and I reach 110 kilometres already Puttaparthie. However, hardly what is going on and an Ashram is also not visible. I ask around a bit and quickly clears up, I am not Puttaparthie in Puttaparti. Puttaparthie is another 40 km as the crow flies.

Try or not try, that is the question now. The idea to try it sounds so stupid that I can't. I'm trying. It continues 10 km on the highway, then I see the first sign: Puttaparthie 43 km. What? 43 km to go! Damn it! That was really a stupid idea!

The highway road goes it. I bothered me forward. My legs are tired and weary and the evening sun's breathing down my neck. Still…


As the twilight then spreads across the country, I decide to take the next bus. The bus driver looks at but only stupid me as he sees my full Pocket travel bike. OK, new plan. I discover a small bus with two shady characters who smoke anything. Go to strangers in the car? This is now egal…ich want to go to Puttaparthi. I hire them for a few rupees to me and asking me if this was a bad idea. To the question, my bike was how expensive, I at least not closer will go.

Finally, I reach the Ashram well and safely. And it has paid off. The Ashram is large and offers Western food in a canteen. Finally another pasta. I love rice though, there is already for weeks.

For half a euro, I stay two nights. Then it goes on. My next goal is Anantapur. The day passes without incident, just the usual. This is generally quite pleasant drive in India. I've imagined worse, precisely because of the traffic. But is not really dramatically in the country. The honking is the only thing that is really dramatic. There is a set that one must always Horn when overtaking. Does that then the bus or truck at ear level, well good night. That really hurts. And it happens all the time, the buses often rushing with holding down through Horn through the villages.


In all over India no Indian helmet was probably on the way (Westerners are right):

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The huts of the poor:

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Indians sit one everywhere:

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In the evening in Anantapurnehme I me a hotel. For around six euros, I get a room for me alone. Dirt cheap compared to Europe. Dagobert Duck in me there but still somewhat expensive, since I the last days only to a maximum two euro have issued.

I start early the next morning. Again, it is about 100 kilometres further on. For lunch, I eat a small restaurant Puri. This is a small, fried PITA. Indians love their oil, so it seems to me. Puri, Dorsa, Chiapatti, all in fat fried. The rice is somehow missing me, I hardly see the.


Just thought as I stumble in the next town over a vegetarian hotel, serving the rice. Damn it! How so I ate just for lunch! I can not hold back but let me wrap up something

Since it is already evening, I head for a church and look, whether I can get the pastor. Maybe I can stay there. Up on a group of annoying little kids, I don't but nothing and so I'm looking for the distance quickly.

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I today don't want in a hotel. I try my luck on the country and the happiness won't let me today there in the lurch. I am invited by two students. You speak good English and lead me home. It is wonderfully peaceful village in which they live. Only the dog barks at me when I arrive. I'm just thinking, you'll see yet, we are soon best friends. He is no longer a half hour later by me to separate.


The two set up first hot water and I can wash me in a very simple bathroom. Despite missing shower, I feel the whole thing but now as luxeriös.

For dinner, there is a wonderfully delicious rice dish. My host mother cooked exquisitely. I feel really comfortable with the family.


In the evening, a camp bed for me is then provided. Satisfied with the world I fall asleep quickly.


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