Of Esfahan's next direction of Shiraz. There are two possible routes, a highway and a highway. I opt for the motorway, because it has far less slope and I hope relaxed on a shoulder to drive something like that.

I'm just from Esfahan out, as I discover a few flags in front of me in traffic. I approach them and behold, the flag belong to two cyclists. The two cyclists named Johan and Bärbel and they want also to Shiraz. So I join the two, happy once again to go in society.


Johan and Bärbel tell me that he had until now a lot of headwind in the Iran. And hardly go awhile, there blows us already a front wind around the ears. Na wonderfully! 😉

So we are only gradually making progress and have made us fight for every kilometre. At least, we find a small dirt track that accompanied the highway right. Sure, we can go somewhat relaxed. A small change is that we're in a group. Everyone always goes his speed and after a few kilometres we wait then again each other.


In the evening, we did at least 80 kilometres. We reach a small town and think about where we could stay. After a while we locate a mosque. When Johan asks just there for a sleeping place, an Iranian approaches me and Bärbel. He is not a while next to us, then he asks out of nowhere, if I would like him in the box. Hello? Is it still? I show him the bird, and then he disappears. I can't believe it.


At least we are lucky at the mosque. We get a nice room, completely free of charge, and also breakfast. What you want?


The next morning, we continued our way to Shiraz. I enjoy it on the way to be right with the two. I get along well with them, and it's fun to interact with other cyclists. The two have also quite a bit more experience, the current tour is her second tour. This time it goes from Kyrgyzstan in the Oman and even further, they were the last time inter alia in India. Because I want there also I have same time give me tips. Who is interested can stop by on her blog.

More experience is also very helpful as my chain is at once very loose. Together with Johan, thank God quickly, we set the whole thing.


We together driving has another advantage. We can now say that we are a family, and to Johan and Bärbel are not asked, why they have for children and I don't why I'm not married because. The Iranians are always a bit awkward both.

In the evening, it is then cold. It depends just located us, a station of the Red Crescent, the equivalent of the Red Cross, shows up on the right side. Johan and Bärbel have previously stayed at the Red Crescent. And here we get a nice room. In the evening we find even a local, that rice served with vegetables. In the Iran! There's only meat.


The next morning starts very cold. We are also at over 2000 meters. In the next town, we refresh still our supplies and buy fuel for the stove as a precaution. We must make today a total of 120 kilometres to reach the nearest town. If not, tents would be wise. An ugly idea in the cold weather.

We are making progress but good, only a small pass slows us down. On the way upward we are stopped by a car. Out jumps a lively quick OPA with family. Grandpa dances and sings and gives us a few pomegranates.

The pass turns out strenuous as right. I just give full throttle to get him behind me as quickly as possible. Bärbel and Johan, however, take a break, but after a while, we are reunited.


Fortunately it emanates from the pass only downhill and we reach the planned town in the evening light. For tonight, we take a hotel room, but the room looks more like a working-class apartment. The town is also an industrial town.

The next day, it goes on and after a few kilometres, our little family gets even more growth. As we work up a pass, we encounter an other cyclists named Jakob. He is 19 years old, comes from Berlin and wants also to Shiraz, and so he joins us. I had never imagined, even seeing a tour cyclists my age.


For today, it's not too far. We stop at Pasargadae, an archaeological site. To visit the tomb of Cyrus, an ancient Persian King.


After that, it's getting late and we ask the owner of a restaurant, whether we must camp in his front yard. We are allowed, and what is even better, I can finally clean my bike with a water hose. In the dusty expanse of Iran, the predominant color of my bicycle was rather Brown lately.

After the washing action, we eat in the restaurant, where nearly your eyes fail us in prices. This is one of the tourist restaurant, where the tourists with breasts be carted and probably never know that the food is totally overpriced. Jacob and I order just a rice and open just a can of beans to

Because it's getting quite cold at night, tents and wheels are frozen in the morning.


For today we have scheduled so many kilometres. We want to look at again somewhat, namely Persepolis. Persepolis was the capital of the Persian Empire long and was built by Darius I. Later she was burned then the great Alexander. Nevertheless, it is still impressive.

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The next day, we reach Shiraz. Here I want to renew my visa, but unfortunately has the Chair willies, which today has no desire to service. It helps not discuss, today we get the visa extension. The whole thing just seems to be just arbitrary, the Pilgrim's application was rejected in Esfahan, Bärbel and Johan, however, have gotten there the visa extension without any problems.

Jacob and I decide so quickly to depart from the Iran. There are 600 kilometers to the coast and we have five days. In the sixth, then drives our ferry. Challenge accepted.

Unfortunately we must separate so but by Johan and Bärbel. I really enjoyed the time with the two and I know I'm going to miss it. On the eve of our departure it invite again us for dinner. Thank you both for the wonderful time!



Here's a video about our tour:


Date: 11. November 2015-17. November 2015

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