The translation of this post is still work in progress. If you find mistakes feel free to conntact me!


I have a bad patch after Belgrade. Sofia seems still quite far away and I gave me three days to travel the distance. Not nearly enough! In the end I do 70 km from the scheduled 170 kilometers at the first day.

In the evening I’m searching for a place to camp. I find a wonderful place which cann’t be seen easily because it lies between  smaller hills. But something is wrong. An unease creeps over me and the birds fly excited deep above the. I follow them for a while and lose myself in it until a noise abruptly brings me back. When I climb up a hill I see the reason for my discomfort: a thunderstorm. Damn it! Because my bike is the only metal object around, it needs no more motivation to get me to the next town. Once there I rent the first hotel room I find. It is run something down, the wallpaper already peels from the walls. This is probably also the reason why I remain the only guest for the night.

The next morning I continue in a fresh mood. When I fill up my water bottles in a small village a couple on a tandem passes me. Without further hesitation I follow and join them. The two cyclists come from Germany and are on their way towards the Black Sea.


We drive together until the early evening. Then we split up. I go on a little further but not much because the rain gets stronger. After about 10 kilometers I start to look for a campground. Finding one turns out today a bit more difficult than usual because the Danube has become a Canyon and it’s walls rise steep into the height.

Finally I find two fisherman who are camping next to the Danube. One of them speaks german and so I ste up my tent next to them. The initial anxiety then quickly dissolves in a brandy.

Camping fishing

The next day begins slightly steeper than I was used to the last 1000 km. The road leads me approximately 200 metres above the Danube from tunnel to tunnel. Now I’m glad to have but a taillight.

Tunnel Serbia

At noon, I arrive at a turning point of my tour. I leave a since 1400 kilometers loyal companion: the Danube. To escape the wide and flat landscape through which the Danube River would guide me further East in Bulgaria I turn to the South. That also means the flat roads and pathes end here.The rest of the day I paddle my way uphill to the top of a small mountain.

But the reward for all this effort is huge today. I find a wonderful campground. The most beautiful since the beginning of my tour. Near the top, hidden behind a hill, I can  overlooking a beautiful mountain backdrop. The whole view reminds me somewhat of the Allgäu.

Camping Serbia mountains  Camping Serbia mountains 2

As I wander around a bit, I even discover a turtle.

Turtle Serbia

Date: 16. August 2015-18. August 2015

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