The next morning starts only once well rested in the hotel. At the buffet watching the rest something funny, because I eat only lots of jam sandwiches, although a splendour of food went up. Unfortunately, these are but not vegan. When I'm back in my room, I notice that the Sun has left its mark. The impression of my bike glove is on my hand.


As I packed everything together I go to the front desk to check out and experience a miracle right away! Overnight, the price of €15 has grown to €40. Hooray! So you want to start his day. The woman behind the front desk realizes that I'm mad and adopt me to at least 10%. That doesn't change my mood but.

And so I grumble once the next kilometre before me. But thank God it's not long and again, Turkey is a better side. When I come through the next large city, I will pulled over by an older man over and drink invited to the Cay. He can some German and so we talk a bit about God and the world.

That gives lift me then at least for a few kilometers back. I must create at least 110 kilometers, so I can get to Istanbul tomorrow just 100 kilometres in front of me. But yesterday in the muscles is me. I'm trying to think just as little as possible to the target and to paddle so before me. Because one I've noticed already: if I have no fixed target for the day are no problem for 130 km. But if I make 100 km for the day, it looks quite different. All the time I must remember then how far my aim is still away. That's why I long not so much do with fixed target on days.

So it goes kilometres kilometres uphill, downhill, towards Istanbul. As it's already late in the afternoon, I will take a break at a gas station. I sat down on a bench next to the gas station, an employee of the gas station coming to me. Nothing there! I do not squat me on the bench! I'm nice to the Cay invited drink tea. Great! I'm starting to love the Turkish hospitality. After tea they inflate me even my tires again on the full 5 bar.

In the evening I come through the town of Saray, from there it is only about 25 km, until I reach my destination. And so I give gas to build up my tent in the dark. Must I leave an invitation for a beer that's why left. But at some point I reach the shield, on which I've been waiting all day.


Not much later I find a campsite in the Woods. I build my tent and want to weigh myself in my well-deserved sleep, there's a problem. I'm sitting straight in the tent. Well, what is going on now? As it dawns on me. Cay is likely to be a black tea! And for the four cups today is asleep for the first time not to think. Only after a few hours I can go arms in Morpheus. At 4:00, I'll snatched which but again for a short time. Since the singing of the muezzin can be heard over at once from the nearest village to me. Middle of the night! Because I will need the next 4,000 kilometres probably won me.

For now, I'm starting the next day on an empty stomach. I no longer have much to eat, and so I look for a fruit stand on the side of the road. After approximately 30 km findewerde I find it. I want to buy a watermelon to me, but it's not going to happen. I get the watermelon for free and on top of that, there are still tomatoes, cucumbers and peppers to, have I ever mentioned that I love the Turkish hospitality?

Otherwise today brings more monotony with it, because after forty kilometers, the road into a highway passes. So I'm well ahead, it happens but not much exciting.


The one thing that strikes me is: To Istanbul I pass accidents 4-5. And some of them look quite pretty violently. Whether this is due to the drivers or road, I don't know. The number is but striking.

In the evening, it is so far, I reach Istanbul! Hooray! All to much power to the forward is just left over. I'm glad that I have a solid base for the next few days. About Warmshowers I came in with an American named Kerby. As it turns out, I get along very well with Kerby and stay two weeks. Where, I don't know to this day, where the time has gone in these two weeks. I haven't done so much nämich.

While I'm in Istanbul I take a trip to the old part of the city, and look at there including the Blue Mosque.

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After a few days even two French guests to toast and four we take a bad trip to a few islands, lying south of Istanbul.

Otherwise, I let wait still my bike by the last Rohloffhändler to Bangkok and am flat set, finally two days because I have problems digesting a few Turkish food.

The first milestone of my tour is now managed with Istanbul! The next milestone is now around 4000 kilometres away in front of me and is called Dubai. But many things will happen until then. It remains exciting.

Date: 29. August 2015 11. September 2015

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