After I me three days in parish churches have rested, I take off again on Thursday. In the evening, I arrive in Passau and check in at the Youth Hostel in the House of Lords. It is located on a hill above Passau.

Passau Castle

From up there you have a wonderful view over the city!

Passau city

The next day to proceed then to the Danube up to Linz. These are exactly 100 kilometers. The last 20 kilometers to a slog are bad, I have to build something still more condition.

I found a host of hot showers in Linz. Who does not know this: warm showers is a community of cyclists and host. Most hosts have experienced much hospitality in turn on their wheel travel and want to give it back now. They can on by offering cyclists a free place to stay and a hot shower. My first experience with warm showers was 100 percent positive. The hosts were incredibly nice and so good I haven’t slept for a long time.

In the evening, I stroll through Linz. The city is not all too big, the most interesting is probably the Cathedral.


The next day begins first bad. Where the hell did I put just again my key? When I then find him in my bike glove and can finally unlock the bike, it’s noon already. Too late, because I planned a 227 km for the weekend to Vienna. That is aware of then on the road and I’m looking for a station. So I put back a fair bit with the train. At least I think so, but in the evening, my Speedo tells me a different story. The search has taken much time and track after the station as I have saved. The only advantage was: the psyche was motivated.


I’m leaving the train in Melk. There is a very nice Castle at home.


At the end of the day, I hit my tent on a campsite in a small village from Krems. Now, I realize that I forgot about the whole hustle and bustle the train to replenish my supplies. This is almost completely exhausted. A small shop on the edge of the campsite has still open so late in the evening. But rare is the selection.


There’s corn flakes with pickles and trail mix. The combination of pickle – cereal is not so bad. After this meal I make me in my tent and think, I slowly fall asleep-long, to go shopping that morning. Thank God I don’t know as yet, that tomorrow is Sunday. So I fall asleep to at least still quiet and good.

Date: 31. July 2015-01. August 2015

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